Start ups

Starting a company is a challenging decision, taking into account the financial costs, the selection of its legal structure, and the expenses involved in marketing it to prospective clients. At Accountwave, we deeply understand your concerns, as we possess the experience and expertise to help you navigate what works best for your business establishment.

We are the company that will handle the entire process of establishing your company, its operation, and its online presence. We provide comprehensive services (one-stop shop), including accounting, tax consulting, legal support, financing through NSRF, and digital marketing.

As you embark on the journey of starting your business, a process that can be both challenging and demanding, we are here to support you! We will handle all the time-consuming tasks on your behalf and provide you with the best solutions for your success.

The experience, expertise, and reliability of the consultants at Accountwave will meet even your most demanding standards, ensuring that you feel completely secure about starting your business from the very first moment of your communication with us.

…and all of this in an economical package ideal for startup businesses!

Cost of establishing a company in Greece

If you have made the decision to start a business in Greece, we will handle the following for you:

  • the establishment of the company
  • the creation of your website
  • and accounting support for 1 month


Your Attractive Business Start-up Services (PCC, SP, LLC., LP, GP)

1.000 €

Drafting of the Articles of Incorporation
ssuance of Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Completion of the process for the establishment of the Company with public authorities
Registration of the company in VIES
Maintaining the company’s books for 1 month
Website creation with up to 5 internal pages (about us, products/services, blog, contact, terms of use)

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